Monday 15 August 2016

Ecobank Tops Foreign Banks In Sierra Leone InTerms of Net Worth Followed By GTBank

Ecobank topped all the foreign banks in 2015 in terms of net worth. The bank registered a net worth of 

Le 123.22 billion in 2015 followed by Guaranty Trust Bank who recorded a net worth of Le99.80 billion.

Simply put, net worth is the difference between what you own and what you owe. It is the difference between your assets and your liabilities. Your net worth is positive when your assets exceed your liabilities and may be described as negative when your liabilities exceed your assets.

All the banks recorded a positive net worth and none of them fell below Le30 billion. This may indicate some amount of financial stability among the foreign commercial banks although these figures alone might not be telling the whole story given the increased risk in loan portfolios enhanced by the volatile money markets.
What the own exceeds what they owe.

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