Monday 15 August 2016

Dr Zainab Hawa Bangura vows to make President Koroma succeed In His Development Agenda

Reacting to political issues during a press briefing organised by the 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone on Friday, Dr Zainab Hawa Bangura noted that her priority is to make President Koroma succeed in his development agenda.
As the United Nations Secretary General special representative on sexual violence who has amplified the voices of war- affected women in the international policy arena, Madam Bangura on Friday delivered the 10th annual Rajiv Bendre “women in public life lecture” on her personal and political quest for gender justice at the family kingdom hall.
Dr Bangura who is no stranger to the stories of despair, survival and resilience highlighted her quest for gender justice adding strategies she has embarked on in influencing world leaders to ensure that women’s rights are at peace with transitional justice processes.

Giving an overview of the event, Dr Fatou Taqi, president 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone stated that the series was launched in 2005 and named in honour of Rajiv Bendre, former director of the British Council in Sierra Leone who aided the establishment of the group that has transformed the lives of a good number of Sierra Leonean women for participating in politics and public life.
”The Rajiv Bendre lecture series is a platform to recognise and highlight the contributions of women in politics and public life who have made a difference in Sierra Leone and at global level and an opportunity to share their experience, thoughts and views with others,” Dr Fatou Taqi, president 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone added.

Citing unprecedented attention to the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war and terrorism, Dr Bangura discussed the widespread and systematic abuses that women suffer in situations of armed conflict by men.
Meanwhile, her deliberations on the said issues was analysed by Mrs Rhoda Nuni, Professor AM Alhgali, Mrs M Bob- Kandeh and Mr Umaru Fofanah.
Sylvia Villa

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