Monday, 15 August 2016

Over illicit mining in Kono…CSO’s call for Legal Action: by Mohamed Kabba

In testing the democratic processes of this country Civil Society members in Kono district have signed a position paper over the illicit town mining along the Congo Bridge in Koidu city demanding for legal actions to be taken against all those involved.
It could be recalled that on Friday 3rd June 2016 illegal mining activities commenced under the Congo Bridge in the municipality of Koidu which drew the attention of civil society, students union body, residents, government officials including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The National Minerals Agency (NMA) and other human rights groups.
More emphasis were laid on identifying those behind the illicit mining, a campaign that was championed by the national body of Kono Students Union (KONSU) exactly fifteen days from commencement of mining on Friday 17th June 2016. Their intervention was described by many as ‘timely’ because after nine (9) days of persistent pressure a stakeholders meeting was summoned on Sunday 26th of June 2016, where the Resident Minister East, Hon. Karamoh Kabba, the Minister of Transport and Aviation, Hon. Balogun L. Koroma and others took full responsibility for the mining and apologized for not informing the district.

In their joint position on the illegal mining signed by the Civil Society Network (CSN), KONSU National, Women in Need of Development Sierra Leone, Women in Mining and Extractives, Kono Women in Governance Network and Campaign for Just Mining, they highlighted ten (10) points ranging from violation of the laws of the country, both the EPA and Mines and Minerals Acts to the involvement of a foreigner by the name of Max Brandwain of Pluto Mining Company, holder of small scale mining license, among many.
The Civil Society therefore made four strong recommendations in their position paper, calling for; Legal actions to be taken against those involved in the illicit act; that thorough assessment on affected people and properties be conducted for adequate compensations, that the Independent Media Commission (IMC) investigate SLBC radio FM 90.2 in Kono and the person who moderated the Resident Minister’s radio program in which the minister repeatedly uttered derogatory statements against the populace of Kono, and that, the mining license of Pluto mining be withdrawn with immediate effect and legal action taken against the owner.

It is worth remembering that the Minister of Transport and Aviation, Hon. Balogun L. Koroma during his keynote statement during the 26th June stakeholders meeting in Koidu did assure the district that, “All diamonds from Congo Bridge belongs to Kono district and they are safe. So whosoever does any fraud with it should be blacklisted by the people including myself, so everything from the bridge should benefit all,” he emphasized.
The much desired unanswered question is whether their position paper will be addressed, by who and or when because the mining activities under the Congo Bridge in Koidu city will soon come to an end and the road work will continue by the Chinese.

By Mohamed Kabba

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