Friday 19 August 2016

UPDATES: Head Of Police Denied Reports of Suspending two Police Officers in Koinadugu

Umaru Fofana Report

Sierra Leone police boss denies reports that the two most senior police officers in Koinadugu where two protesters were gunned down on Tuesday have been suspended. Francis Munu told me that the local police commander and the head of the OSD - the armed police unit - "have not been suspended rather they have been asked to step aside pending investigations" into Tuesday's incident. He said the police commander lacked the frame of mind "to carry out his duties efficiently because his house was burned down and all he had was the uniform he was wearing on the day of the clashes". In the case of the OSD boss, he said, a lot of accusing fingers were being pointed at him over the killings of two young men who were among youths protesting against what they said were broken presidential promises to build them a skills-training centre which has now been reportedly moved to another district. The police chief said the officers could only be suspended or harsher measures taken if the investigations found them guilty.

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